Dear Fellow Patriot,
Your renewed support is urgently needed to show our brave heroes they will never be forgotten.
Your generous donation will immediately be used to provide aid to our active-duty troops in harm’s way and wounded service members here at home.
20 years after 9/11 with the Taliban once again controlling Afghanistan, many combat veterans are left wondering what it was all for. As they suffer from trauma and moral injuries that stifle their rehabilitation and cause anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts, they struggle to understand if their pain and sacrifice were worth it.
The collapse of Afghanistan comes at a time when the suicide rate for troops is already at an all-time high. Our combat veterans urgently need the life-saving support your generosity provides.
And now, with Christmas coming up, injured service members who are struggling financially also need your support. Your gift today will help the families of wounded troops make Christmas a joyous time by giving presents to the children who would otherwise have nothing to open on Christmas morning — a sign of appreciation for the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform.
Combat veterans who are struggling to recover from their injuries have been through hell over the past year. I’m counting on you to help me show our combat troops and veterans that even in their greatest struggles, we will never abandon them.
Semper Fidelis,
Dear Ollie, please accept my tax-deductible renewal gift to provide the aid our nation’s warriors urgently need: