Urgent Reply to Oliver North

Thank you for standing with us in this crucial fight for justice, accountability, and the unwavering support of our troops.

Official Petition Demanding the Resignation of Lloyd Austin

Attn: Speaker Mike Johnson

WHEREAS, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin demonstrated incompetence and disregard for the lives of our military heroes during the failed Afghanistan withdrawal, which resulted in the unnecessary loss of 13 U.S. troops; and

WHEREAS, Lloyd Austin’s shameful “no regrets” comment is a clear indication of his lack of remorse for his actions and his inability to adequately lead our armed forces, thus betraying the trust of our military personnel; and

WHEREAS, Lloyd Austin’s failed leadership has triggered an armed-forces-wide recruitment crisis, and damaged public trust in our nation’s armed forces, and

WHEREAS, Lloyd Austin eroded the trust of our troops, caused confusion among national security officials, and embarrassed our country on the world stage during his recent hospitalization scandal.

THEREFORE, we, the undersigned American citizens, respectfully request the House of Representatives to call for a Vote of No Confidence in Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and issue a bipartisan call for his immediate resignation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, we believe that in order to restore trust between America’s military leaders and the troops under their command, as well as uphold the honor and integrity of our armed forces, it is essential for Congress to exercise its oversight role and hold Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin accountable for his actions.

Yes, you can count on me to urge Congress to hold Lloyd Austin accountable for his failures and his grave betrayal of our fighting men and women. I am hereby signing this Official Petition Demanding the Resignation of Lloyd Austin.