Dear Fellow Patriot,
Are you opposed to saluting our troops and veterans?
I hope that you want to show gratitude to both our active-duty troops, our wounded warriors, and the families of our fallen heroes.
It’s really simple to show your gratitude today...
Sign the Dog Tag reply form and show the troops how much you support them..
Troops like Corporal Jeramie Green, who served multiple tours in Afghanistan. Two days before Jeramie’s nine-month tour was over, he received injuries that led to his right leg being amputated. He has had more than 70 additional surgeries to further his rehabilitation.
Freedom Alliance was founded to help injured veterans like Jeramie who risk their lives and safety for our country.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we presented Jeramie with a custom-made, all-terrain wheelchair on Veterans Day to assist him in living a fulfilling life. It’s made an enormous difference for Jeramie and his family that he can be actively mobile.
Through your support Freedom Alliance has been help our troops and their families in many ways.
That is why I am asking you to do three things:
Enter Your Message Below...
(1.) Show your support to our troops by filling out the form on the right with your, and have the personalized DogTags sent to our troops abroad, showing them your gratitude.
“Thank you for your service to our country!” message to our troops. When I receive your personal message, I’ll send it to one of our wounded heroes Freedom Alliance is helping at home or one of our brave men or women in combat zones today, at risk for our freedom.
(2.) When you send your personal Support Our Troops Dog Tag message, please include a tax-deductible contribution to Freedom Alliance.
With the loyal support of staunch patriots like you, Freedom Alliance is able to advance our vital and urgently-needed programs, such as:
That’s why Freedom Alliance arranges Outdoor Adventures where veterans can soak up the beauty of God’s creation. We also give veterans opportunities for peer-to-peer counseling and mentorship from people they trust.
Sending Gifts From Home Care Packages to active-duty troops in foreign war zones — Freedom Alliance is one of the few organizations still sending these care packages to combat personnel abroad.
At the time of the 9/11 attacks, Freedom Alliance awarded scholarships to 12 students for a total of $79,000. In 2021, that had grown to more than 600 students receiving over $2.4 million. Wow! Our supporters are making a huge difference.
In the last 20 years, Freedom Alliance has helped more than 2,000 students attend trade schools, community colleges, and four-year institutions.
But the demand for our vital programs is increasing rapidly, and our ability to meet this demand depends ENTIRELY on the continuing financial support of patriots like you.
Without Freedom Alliance, I fear that many American heroes like Marine Gunnery Sgt. Greg Salcido will needlessly carry the physical and mental scars of war for the rest of their lives.
That’s something we must never let happen, my friend.
If you agree, please rush me your generous gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more along with your Support Our Troops Dog Tag message today. Thank you!
LtCol Oliver L. North, USMC (Ret.)
Founder and Honorary Chairman